Send Verified Emails in Simple Steps

Verimates is a product created by Alpen Design Studio Andorra, SL an ADSL GROUP company.

The system was developed because of a scam attempt. A person located in London, England impersonated one of our sister companies and sent an email to a bank trying to commit us to a deal we never approved of. This person’s email appeared so strong with fake credentials and using our name that the receiving bank accepted to close the deal. But, fortunately, they contacted us for some clarifications thus enabling us to find out about the attempted fraud just in time.

As this is not the first time that scammers try things like that, as we are not the only entity or group in the World who has been or will be subjected to such type of perfidy and crime we decided to invent a system that will ensure that people and corporations alike can viably resume to using their emails in total security and transparency!

From now on, when sending an email message, become a client when registering with us, choose the most appropriate plan for you and start communicating without fear of not being recognized by the receiving party. Better yet, ask all people sending important messages to you to use our system and thus be verified before communicating with you!

Imagine being able to accept messages in good faith and not having to fear that a scammer is hiding in the background ready to pounce on you and wreck havoc on your company or life by impersonating you!

When sending a mail with one of your registered email addresses, come on our site ( login with your credentials, choose which email address you are going to use, compose your mail and click on send after entering the recipient’s address. The recipient will receive the mail with a QR Code that he or she can flash with their phone in order to be directed to a verification page on our site or alternatively they can also press on an imbedded link that will achieve the same task. Once on the verification page the following message will be displayed:

  • Message validly sent from our system on __date__ at __time__ from __Country__ In order to know full ID of sender please log in.
  • Once the receiver logs in, the following message will be displayed:

    Message validly sent from our system on __date__ at __time__ from __Country__ by __name of sender___

Extensive documentation